WARNING: your version is outdated, please update to the newest stable version at the MyPIVXWallet Github

Welcome to My Freedom wallet!

PIVX Governance

Be your own Bank!

MFW has no custody over your funds. You are in full ownership of your keys and your FreedomCoin.
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PIVX Proof of Stake (PoS)

Universal and Portable

You can generate cryptographically-secure addresses with your browser and hardware.
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PIVX Privacy

Don't trust, verify!

MyFreedomWallet (MFW) is completely open-source, available on the FreedomCoin github.
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PIVX Bar Chart

For the community

MFW is built with integrity without any development fees, no privacy intrusions or advertising. Just a simple way to manage your funds.
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My Wallet

This will import a Freedom wallet that you hold via it's private key, loading the address and pulling your existing wallet balance from the patriot node network.
Warning : This (MFW) web wallet is run as a single page application and there is no record of your private key. Private key can not be recovered.

Vanity Wallet


This will create a new FreedomCoin wallet with a customized prefix that you choose, Enter a few characters after the initial letter "T" and we will find a custom wallet address for you if available.

New Wallet

This will create a new, random Freedom wallet that will contain no initial funds, you may transfer to-and-from this wallet with ease.

New Feature!
Please be aware MPW Cold Staking is a new, slightly experimental feature, it may be unstable, and is currently slow. Please have patience when using this feature, and wait for block confirmations before actions and balances are shown on-screen.



Available: 0 FREED
Staking: 0 FREED

Create a Transaction

Please AVOID sending to Shielded addresses using this wallet - this functionality is currently unsupported.

Send Freedom Coin

Create Manual Transactions